Explore commonly used logistics and delivery terms.
Glossary of terms
The practice of transferring goods from one transport mode to another.
Businesses involved in making deliveries – this includes retailers and service providers (like dry cleaners) that make their own deliveries, and third party logistics operators, which act as intermediaries between seller and consumer.
Number of people or businesses receiving deliveries in an area.
London Transport zones 1 and 2, as this is where drop density is highest, and where land for logistics is most scarce, though of course other parts of London will be facing similar challenges and opportunities.
Last segment of a delivery journey.
Space used by delivery businesses to receive, sort and dispatch goods, or transfer them from one mode of transport to another.
Definition - Small vehicles such as bikes, scooters, cargo bikes, trikes and pedivans (both pedal and electric).
People making deliveries on foot, for example wheeling deliveries.